
Santo Domingo (SDQ) request for change to level 2 Slot Management for winter season 2023

Dear IATA,

Following our various working sessions together, this letter to officially announce our wish to move to Level 2 Slot Facilitation in Santo Domingo airport (SDQ) as of the next Winter season W23-24.

This process benefited from the support and approval* of the Dominican Republic Civil Aviation board.

The facilitator will be SDQ Airport, committing itself to act in a neutral, transparent, and nondiscriminatory way.

You will find below the airport capacity parameters that will be used to facilitate the air service operations in SDQ airport for W23-24.

In the course of the current day, we will also officially inform all our airlines partner of this evolution in the process of Slot Management in Santo Domingo airport in order to comply with the calendar of coordination activities provided in the Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines.

W23 Facilitation parameters:

Runway Capacity:

Schedule requests will be accepted up to a maximum of 26 movements (either Arrivals or Departures) per hour.

Apron Capacity:

Apron max capacity will be the following:

  • Configuration with a max of Wide Body aircraft (WB Conf): 11 Type E, 13 Type C (total 24)
  • Configuration with a max of Narrow Body aircraft (Max Conf): 5 Type E, 2 Type D, 23 Type C (total 30)
  • Difference between these two extreme configurations being the use of 6 (six) MARS positions that can either welcome 1 Wide Body aircraft or 2 Narrow Body aircraft.
Terminal Apron602311
Cargo Apron703313

Terminal Apron1202014
Cargo Apron1123016

Terminal Capacity:

• Departures

For any departure of a commercial flight, AERODOM recommends a limit max in departure schedules considering the capacity of the terminal.

The facilitator will evaluate the impact of each schedule request taking into account the aircraft seat capacity, an average load factor of 80% and a limit of:

  • 1.520 passengers per rolling 60 minutes with a step of 10 minutes

For the application of the parameters, it is considered that all passengers arrive the terminal at the departure time of the flight.

• Arrivals

For any arrival of a commercial flight, AERODOM recommends a limit max in arrival schedules considering the capacity of the terminal.

The facilitator will evaluate the impact of each schedule request taking into account the aircraft seat capacity, an average load factor of 80% and a limit of:

  • 1.710 passengers per rolling 60 minutes with a step of 10 minutes

For the application of the parameters, it is considered that all passengers arrive at the terminal at the arrival time of the flight.

• Connecting pax

AERODOM recommends a limit max in the number of connecting pax simultaneous considering the capacity of the terminal in connecting facilities. Therefore, for any arrival of a commercial flight mainly dedicated to connecting passengers (>50% of the pax estimated), please contact first the facilitator at the following email address:

It is important to notice that schedule should be provided in UTC time and within the Turn Around SCR messages format in order to be able to manage the apron capacity in an efficient way. One leg SCR messages should be accepted only in exceptional cases.

As always, we appreciate your continued support, and we remain at your disposal for any need for clarification.
