
Fields of Action

We invest in our people and embrace teamwork, resilience, competitiveness, innovation, with a strong emphasis on excellence. That’s what our corporate culture is all about!

We focus on our physical and financial assets on a daily basis, but above all, we focus on our human assets, achieving levels of competitiveness of which we are very proud. Airports are complex structures, each of which represents a great challenge in terms of infrastructure management, involving different and varied fields of action.

Operational management, ground assistance, airport operations, rescue operations, slot coordination, security and facilitation.

Planning, research, development and monitoring of systems, equipment and facilities that collectively make up each airport and the company's infrastructure. It includes the administration, maintenance and operation of the infrastructure while ensuring compliance with environmental and quality standards.

An attractive career choice that combines several different areas of experience: marketing, passenger support, communication, corporate image, economic regulation and pricing.

Developing and coordinating strategic business projects, seeking to maximize the profitability and efficiency of all infrastructures and dealers.